Food 4 Health

Our Food 4 Health program provides nutritious options for those who require special dietary items. We work in collaboration with community partners to understand and address the nutritional needs of guests and provide helpful information regarding each special diet, including useful facts, diet-specific recipes, and other tailored, beneficial resources. Guests visiting the pantry can speak with the Registrar for special instruction on how to enroll.

Diabetic Supplies

Food 4 Health

Our Impact:

β€œThe pantry is a wonderful blessing. I had so many medical bills and could not afford groceries this month. I have diabetes and wont take my medications when I dont have food because my sugar drops dangerously low. Thanks to the pantry I have food and can take my meds.” - OACP Guest

Support OACP Programs

Support from our generous donors through food drives, monetary donations, and volunteerism allow us to facilitate programs such as Kids Corner, the School Pantry Program, and Food 4 Health. Without your support, we would not be able to operate these impactful programs in our community